Breaking a cycle

In the last 24 hours, my emotions had become heightened and were spinning out of control. I am feeling anxiety over my mother’s health decline and the uncertainty of her well being. So I know deep inside I am worried and even fearful. Now, I am a firm believer that it’s important to feel my emotions and give room to them. If I need to cry, I will cry. And I am comfortable sharing my feelings with the appropriate people. I am fortunate to have great sisters to talk to regularly.

However, there are times when I am spilling over and I need to get a handle on my emotions. I need to find my inner stability again. No one can do this for me, and I notice when I am leaning too heavily on my husband that it’s time to stop, turn inward, and strengthen my own resources.

What to do? STOP. And break the cycle at any point. That was one of the best pieces of advice I ever received. Stop a cycle at any point in the cycle. Forgive. Let go. And move on. It’s hard for me, but once I take the first step, the next step follows. I need to move ahead with Hope.

So for today, I spent more time being quiet — not being on the cell phone as much, and also not going on the internet and browsing around. I took time to sit quietly, to practice body relaxation, and the reflect on my behavior. I decided to turn in the direction of love.

I realize that the power of love has so many gifts. It eases the grip of fear, strengthens trust in life, and helps me face my feelings with more stability. It is a place I can turn to rest and renew myself. I need to bring love in and let it be my source.

How are you allowing the gifts of love to support you in your life? Are you loving yourself today? Are you making choices to relate to yourself and your life from a place of love?