More, More Letting Go

I am continuing to use the letting go box. It’s amazing how many scraps of paper I scribble on during the day with things to let go of — the need to please someone, the worry over a decision, the judgment I have on myself for looking tired, and so much  more. When the thoughts return, I remind myself that I’ve put them in the box. On Friday, I opened the overflowing box and threw all the folded bits of paper in the fire. I watched the papers burn, and hoped to feel a little lighter.

Still, it’s just not that easy, because habits and resistance keep returning. I must practice diligence and patience. As I meet my resistance, all I can do is let go into the resistance. I noticed this week that as I was stretching after swimming my leg muscles were really tight. Instead of releasing as I stretched them, they actually tightened up. I tried something new. Rather than strain myself, I decided to stretch only half way, and by backing off I was able to let go and find some release from the tightness. Sometimes, by not pushing myself, but by backing off, the release can come. It’s the same in an emotional situation, or a problem with my husband, or a stress at work. By backing off, more release can come.

Perhaps for this week, you might want to notice where you are putting too much effort, and let go a little, back off, and with half the effort see what’s possible — it might even be more! Surprise yourself.
