
I am still using the “letting go” box, and every day I am scribbling down things I need to keep letting go of. Today, I was overcome with doubt over the choices I have made around work. I never planned to become an elementary school librarian. I was already in the school system at the time and I was losing my position in the staff development office because of lack of grant money. I needed a new job and this one was available at the time. It ended up that I could have the job while I was in library school.

Now, three years later, I am still doubtful about the decision. More than anything, I need to “let go” and trust in how my life is unfolding. I realize I need to cultivate more trust, in myself, in my life, in Divine love. I am realizing that at the core of what I hold on to, and have trouble letting go of, is a lack of trust.

How can I cultivate more trust — in my life, in my actions, in the Divine? I heard a suggestion that I might practice this week. It was simple. Every day, I need to say to myself: I trust in my life and the way it’s unfolding. For this week, let’s cultivate trust in our lives, and support each other in the journey.


  1. Ashlyn on April 22, 2009 at 10:17 am

    People should read this.