Be an instrument

This morning, I read again the prayer by the 12th century saint, St. Francis of Assisi: Lord Make me an Instrument of your peace. Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; when there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope;…

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In the direction of light

I move between the darkness and the light, between the shadows, gray fog and translucent blue sky. It’s dynamic. And yet I am sensing that there is more light available to me, and that even in darkness there are rays of light. We often think of light as something that helps us see– a reading…

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Love really is something

After being awake in the middle of the night for a few hours, I was losing my patience. I got out of bed, had a light snack, and when I headed back to bed, my husband gave me a comforting hug and held me for a while. It was amazing how love felt so healing…

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On our path

Can we actually trust that we are never off our path? Even when things don’t seem to be going well. A friend shared with me a quote she found from a writer in the 1800’s. It said something to the effect that ‘at every moment you are always on your path.’ I was struck. You…

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Remembering what’s important

I came across this saying, which really struck me: When you’re overloaded, fight the urge to work harder. Instead, slow down and reflect on what matters most. I have been so overwhelmed these past weeks, with the amount of work at my school. I am the school librarian, and additional duties have been added to…

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Shelter from the storm

It’s so easy to start spinning and spill over, and feel like I am just chasing myself and my life. How can I turn that around? Now is the time for me to be diligent about practicing my meditation regularly, taking deep calming breaths throughout the day, staying committed to my daily exercise, and mindfully…

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