Gratitude Journal, Day 7

While reflecting in the morning, I realized once again that everything is a gift. The water we use every day is a gift; the food we eat every day is a gift; the love we receive is a gift. And when we receive a gift, we want to say Thank You. As we walk around in our daily lives, there are so many gifts to say thank you for.

Gratitudes for Tuesday, November 23

1. Grateful for the laughter of the children in the library when I am reading them an engaging story.

2. Grateful for the spirit of joy that is present at the elementary school where I work.

3. Grateful for riding my bike after work through the park, feeling the cool wind against my cheeks and noticing the tall trees.

4. Grateful to talk with my sisters on the phone and share our daily lives.

5. Grateful to come home at the end of the day and sit in front of the fire and feel cozy and warm.

Another gratitude practice I engaged in today was writing notes to people I wanted to say thank you to — in particular to people who would least expect it. I gave one to the administrative assistant at our school, for her support and compassion. Some days, I come to school in tears from the frustration and fatigue of a tough night of not sleeping well. Since she also has insomnia, we constantly offer each other understanding and support. One day she said to me, “We just have to have hope.” She was touched by the note and it felt good to thank her.

What gratitude practices are you engaging in? However small they might seem, they make a big difference.